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Starting a career? What we wish we had known

Taking the first steps into your career can be tough and sometimes it will test your limits. Everyone has their own paths to follow and there will be occasions where you will be required to back-track or change paths entirely.

For this year's International Women's Day, Anywise interviewed women from a broad range of industries and backgrounds. We asked them what they wish they had known when they first began their careers and what advice they would give themselves and young women knowing what they know now.

In alphabetical order, we were privileged to meet with:

Evelyn Vasquez - Managing Partner at Juno Technical Writing

Geraldine Camilleri - Managing Director at Big Group Hug as well as Dentists of Tasmania

Julie Savage - Director at Cognesis

Katherine Post - CEO at Rapid Context

Liz Quinn - Coach of Richmond WAFL and Naval Officer

Nicky Smith - Founder of Really Good Chocolate

Vanessa Hoy - Founder of Scribo Science and Customer Experience Lead at NAB

Vita Lo Presti - Managing Partner at Bramble and Briar

Video transcript:

Julie - Be bold.

Geraldine - You’re going to have a multitude of careers.

Liz - Take every opportunity that you can to learn outside of the space you’re in.

Nicky - You have to be kind to yourself.

Vanessa - If you know you are right, you are right. And you should really stick up for that.

Katherine - Embrace the opportunities.

Vita - Build a really good network around you of likeminded women.

Evelyn - As you get more experienced it really does pay off to trust your instincts.

Geraldine - Can you define what truly motivates you.

Katherine - Enjoy thre ride, it will be a bumpy one at times.

Vita - Don’t let anybody walk all over you because they will.

Vanessa - If you see an opportunity advertised or you hear about an opportunity and you think ‘that sounds great but I don’t think I have all the skills that I really need to do that’, you know, apply anyway.

Liz - Give everything a shot.

Evelyn - Stick to your values and beliefs and work with likeminded companies.

Julie - No one goes to their deathbed wishing they had have worked more. You have to find ways to leverage what you’re good at.

Vanessa - Take every opportunity. Talk to as many different people from as many different backgrounds.

Julie - Build good relationships.

Katherine - Don’t be scared of being bold to make things better for both yourself and also those you work with.

Nicky - Women supporting other women, and girls supporting other girls is super important.

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