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News & Media

Anywise has a brand new website and podcast to boot!

You may have noticed something different about Anywise. If you haven’t – have a browse through our website. We think this rebranding really speaks volume as to who we are as a company and what we do.

Our old website didn’t show what set us apart from other consulting firms or what our purpose is, which is why the rebranding process was important so that Anywise has a cohesive look and message across our website, projects and social media platforms.

Not only have we got a new website but we’ve also got a new podcast, Any.Talk. You can listen to the first few episodes on our website or you can find it on any music streaming platform such as Spotify or Apple Music.

None of the rebranding would have been possible without web designer Ben Loke who has worked with Anywise on previous projects.

We spoke to Ben about the process and this is what he had to say.

Ben, what was your main goal with the website redesign & brand refresh?

Ben: The main goal was to develop a brand that showed the true personality of Anywise and tell the story of the company through both the brand and its website. The old brand messages and design were inconsistent, confusing and didn’t reflect the innovations and changes that had been made by the company. It lacked a differentiator from its competitors, so it was important to ensure both the brand and website stood out and provided clarity of their offering to the market and their customers and provided a true reflection of their values and core beliefs.

What did you enjoy about the process?

B: What I enjoyed most was the process and the ability to be a part of the Anywise team prior to the design commencing which enabled me to gain a first-hand insight into how Anywise operated both internally and externally with clients. It also allowed me to bring the team into the design process and have them play a part in creating what would be their brand story, values and beliefs through workshops and conversations and not just those of the owners and key stakeholders.

This meant that the outcome was developed from ground up, which gave staff a real connection with the Anywise brand and a better result in my opinion, a process not common when branding small businesses.

What were the challenges?

B: Photography was the biggest challenge. There was a strong need for photography that reflected Anywise’s big heart and personality which comes through via their staff, rather than stock images that are common across websites in different industries. However, due to everyone being in lockdown because of COVID-19, organising photography was not going to be possible so we had to come up with alternative photography and use existing photos mixed with graphical elements in the interim until at a later date when we can make this happen.

Then we spoke to Anywise Managing Director Adam Evans about the website redesign.

Why was it necessary to redo the website?

Adam: During lockdown we conducted a deep dive into our culture and values as a team. As part of that process we asked ourselves how we wanted to be seen by our community, our clients, our family and friends. It became quickly apparent that we have been doing a disservice to our team by not reflecting who we are through our digital presence. We had well and truly outgrown the skin of the previous site.

How did you find the process?

A: Rewarding. By engaging staff and Ben so heavily in the process from the start, we found the imagery and style Ben was reflecting back to us encouraged deeper thought and more meaningful conversations.

What did you enjoy about it?

A: Seeing the essence of Anywise come to the surface. The process unlocked a number of conversations and allowed our real personality to come through.

Were there any challenges?

A: Making sure everyone's voice was heard despite everyone working remotely. We had to really commit to a schedule without rushing so that we got everyone's input.

Are there any things you'd like to take further with the website?

Yes, a dashboard of our philanthropic efforts and impact. Perhaps, a members area where we can foster more engagement with our community and business network.

Finally, we spoke to Anywise General Manager Steven Kouloumendas.

What has the feedback on the website been from others?

Steve: Highly positive. Clients, peers and friends of Anywise that know us well, are glad to see a website that reflects what they have come to know and love about Anywise.


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